Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tidwell's are good spelars...

Well, at least Jake & Ellie Tidwell can spell. They both proved it by qualifying for the Bearden Elementary School spelling bee. The finals were held this morning and Jake surprised us all by winning 1st place! He will go on to represent his school at the city-wide spelling bee in January 2009. Wish him luck!!

Ellie Tidwell is a rat

The Tidwell children have recently completed several successful turns in the performing arts. First, both Ellie & Jake acted in the children's Christmas dramas at our church. There were two plays and Ellie was in both. They both had speaking roles and did a great job!
Then, Ellie made her ice skating debut in "The Nutcracker on Ice". She played a rat and did a spectacular job! She had four performances and was sorry to see it end.

"Rat" Ellie and her buddy "Jester" Sara Beth

Thanksgiving 2008

Yeah, we know, it's almost Christmas and we're just now blogging about Thanksgiving. What can we say? We've been very busy.
On Thanksgiving day, we drove to Lebanon, TN to spend the day with Tim's family. We all met at Nicci and Mitchell Trawick's house (Nicci is Tim's niece). They have a very nice house with lots of acreage. They also have the toys that go with a nice country spread, including two ATV's, one adult size and one kid size for their daughter Carley.

None of the Tidwell's have much experience with ATV's, but that didn't stop us! As you can see below, I think Anne had the most fun...

Carley and Ellie